Bible Study
No other book of the Bible has been more influential in church history than the book of Romans. If there was one chapter in Romans that would be considered the Mount Everest of scripture, it is chapter 8. For our study today, we are going to do a quick overview of the chapter looking at five foundational blocks for living a gospel centered life.
Read: Romans 8
Have three men each read 13 verses of chapter 8 of Romans.
Principle: You cannot live in the present if you are constantly looking to your past.
What does Paul mean when he says there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ (v1)?
Principle: The Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and what we are powerless to do in our own lives, Christ can.
Principle: I am not defined by the world, but by God; I am not defined by what others say, but by what God says; I am not defined by what I do, but what He did; I am not defined by my past, but by God’s forgiveness.
Principle: What God starts, He completes. God is committed to forming us into the image of His Son.
Principle: The cross of Christ is the supreme revelation of God’s love for us.
Greg Stier: Living a Gospel Centered Life
Discussion Questions
Greg states that if we are going to be rescuers, we need to imagine what Jesus did as he saw the crowd of lost individuals as harassed and helpless. He suggests that we use God’s word to paint a picture in our mind of the darkness of hell and the glories of heaven. What word pictures come to your mind that might help you when you want to witness to someone about heaven and hell?
What are some strategies that can make you a better healing force – loving, listening and speaking the gospel at work, in your neighborhood and in your family?
Jesus asked his disciples to “beg” God to send/catapult workers into His harvest field. What are ways that you can participate in the ministry of sending international workers into the field?
What will it take to turn you into a rescuer?