The Lost Mission
Luke 15
Three-Part Story
- Lost Sheep
- Lost Coin
- Lost Son
What are the commonalties?
If they are teaching the same lesson, what is that lesson?
Jesus’ Teaching Technique
Pharoah and the Lost Son
Exodus 10:16-17
John the Baptist’s Question
Matthew 11:4-5
Isaiah 35:3-6
Jesus & the Religious Leaders
Matthew 21:12-17
Psalm 8:2
Jesus in Nazareth
Luke 4:18-21
Isaiah 61: 1-3
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Simchat Torah
Cultural Details
- What was supposed to happen to someone who had lost the families wealth?
- How does the son respond to the father?
What is the lesson?
How does this apply to us?
What is God’s mission?
What was Jesus’ mission?
What is our mission?